Maria G Hernandez

Moon Poster and Close Up

Sun Poster and Close Up

Moon + Sun: Flyers

Moon + Sun: Badges

Moon Poster (Bus Stop)

Moon and Sun

I took a small project I did for class and expanded it into a poster series for an astronomy convention that was being held in Chicago.
I wanted these icons to represent the visual concept of looking at the sky, when either the moon or sun rises or sets on the horizon, and the light is reflected on the water below. Instead of using vectors as graphics, I decided to create this solution using only typography. This was a great challenge as I am used to creating using images and drawings instead of type.
I expanded the series by adding fliers and badges that would be used during the convention. For the fliers, on the sun side, it has a small list of what to expect during the convention, such as lectures and workshops, along with a list of sponsors. On the moon side, it contains a list of lecturers that will be presenting that day. The close up of the poster on the right shows how key words display the reflection of the sun's logotype on the surface of the water.