Maria G Hernandez

Kontrol Box: Playstation

Kontrol Box: Playstation (Layout)

Kontrol Box: Playstation

Bottom Preview of toy inside.

Kontrol Box: Playstation

Opened box with toy controller that would be found inside.

Kontrol Boxes:

All sides but the bottom.

Kontrol Box:

All backs have been put together to create an image.


I was asked to create an Icon Series based on objects or animals of my choice. Being a lover of video games, I decided to make my series out of several video game controllers. The original project required the application to a stationery set, but instead, I decided to take the project in a different route by creating a fictitious toy company for the Icon Series.
I began by collecting images of 7 game controllers, all in similar perspectives, and created a gestalt icon for each. I made them simple enough to show not only the shape of the controllers, but also where the buttons are on each controller. I added a few extra details on selected controllers since it helps distinguish the controller for the specific game console it was made for.
I decided that each icon would have its own box, except one. Each box has a different color depending on the image placed on the back. The represented game images on the back relate to the toy controller inside. This was my first attempt at packaging, and I did not have any prior experience.
The target audience of this toy series is adults. Having an image to represent what controller would be inside, gears the boxes toward adult gamers, and the image on the back tells the purchaser what toy controller will be inside. If the person has a difficult time figuring it out, the icon of the controller is placed on the bottom of the box to act as the answer key. (For the purpose of this demo, the original box has been altered to represent the PlayStation Toy Controller. The original yellow box contains the Sega controller.)
The toy controllers are just collector items and not actual controllers. However, the controllers themselves aren't the only collectibles to this series. When all the toy controllers have been collected, the boxes themselves contain a small section of a seventh controller icon. When these boxes are stacked together, they create the icon that represents the very first video game console created, and this puzzle makes the boxes collectible also.